Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm Not Saying She's a Gold-digger...

But she ain't...telling her respective partner she's potentially pregnant.

Why? Why! WHY?!

Ok so I found myself maybe in this situation. I mean no, I have a friend who is in this situation. Aside the point... the point is...

Why is it women (and there are a lot of us) who are in the pregnancy scare situation keep it from the respective father?

So here are the reasons why I assume one does this and then my reasons why they are being idiots.

Reason #1: Because I don't know for sure.

Well ok first of all...get to knowin for sure. But I can't full heartedly back this up, because ladies, it is damn near impossible to buy a "uh-oh am I prego?" test without being completely humiliated. Like what do you buy with those?! As I went to purchase mine it's like... I also needed a pack of beer, but those don't go well, people are so judgey. And then it's like but I need some milk and eggs, but am I being too ironic? Well I can't buy it on it's own because that's too obvious. Well I could buy it with a bottle of real and fake champagne but there's no ring on my finger... Or I could put it with gift things and maybe someone will think I am buying it for someone who wants one of those tiny things? CONUNDRUM! But I totally spaced off. Point is... You need to know for sure, take a test, but also talk to your doc. And now... why you shouldn't keep it away from yo baby daddy... because why, Why, WHY, WHY?! should you have to wait and agonize and create absurd future plans in your head and be the one to worry while he goes off scott free? Hell to the no. That boy needs to be put in his place. Oh it feels better without a condom? Well awesome, by the way, here's the hell you put me through. Also, how would you feel if someone sprang news on you that "Hey I kind of had this feeling for a week or two while I was late..." I don't know. I think, tell him. Tell him that it is a worry and that you are going to find out and let him know. He may want to go with you. He may go halfsies on the preggy indicator (holla -- those things are kind of expensive because you never have this scare when you have money)

Reason #2 --- He has a new girlfriend

Hey what do you know, I know this situation too. Ok yes this is sticky because it's not that you want him anymore, in fact you are GLAD he found someone else because you were using him for sex and he was easy because he was in love with you... or maybe not, but hey that's just one perspective. Listen girl, it ain't easier either which way. You probably need to alert him so !) he doesn't make the same mistake with New Girl (shoutout to the show) and so that !!) he doesn't think he has long gone gotten over you, cause heyyyy you're around FOREVER. That was scary. What I am saying is, if he is mature enough to jump into a relationship that is THAT soon after you guys canoodled (ahem...I'd be suspicious here..yes this is because of personal experience) then he should be mature enough to know how to handle this situation. And it's really fair to lady #2 as well. She has a right to know if this is the situation she wants to be in. If so, awesome, if not, then he shoulda wrapped it. Just sayin.

Reason #3--- You aren't sure who the father is.

Ya I'd wait. Or pick the better candidate. That rhymed.

Reason #4 -- You're scared.

Well welcome to technology, texts are easy. Who gives a sh*t if they are impersonal and that's "not the way you break up with someone". F*ck it. It's the Twitter age. You can do what you want. Everyone's going to find out anyways. Plus I HATE confrontation.

I guess what I mean is, ladies: don't be afraid to make your man afraid. If you are racking your head over it, who says you should be alone? Remember -- try to find out as soon as possible, but if just isn't soon enough and you need someone, then what's the sense in not trying? Seriously... it COULD be a ride to the doctor. And then a ride to ice cream after. That could just be me, but I don't think I'm unique so it could be a lot of you.

And USE protection. But I'm not an idiot, life happens. Just be smart about your next move.

By the way I went with red bull and cheez its and a sweatshirt. I also chose the hippest cashier at 11PM. I didn't get judged at all. Not like Plan B. Those people are awful. I should have bought more tests just so I wouldn't have to endure it again. I mean... I should wait until I'm married so it will be good news instead of bad... yeah...that's it.

One line means...?,

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